Can a visionary idea about legacy be realized as a brand and product ready for widespread adoption?

Blending the design process and discipline with vision, we moved PandoVita from back-of-the-napkin to ready-for-the-app-store.



Branding + Brand Management

Engagement System Design

Digital Experience Design

Information Design

Market Readiness

PandoVita’s founder asked how he might capture a legacy, from birth to death, both digitally and privately. Designing a brand and product capable of moving away from the one-to-many broadcastability of social media and instead focusing on creating one-to-one, intimate stories felt like the perfect challenge for us.

Rather than relying on the client to shape our work with prescribed requirements, we approached this challenge as co-inventors. The work utilized our processes and expertise, and our approach imbued a sense of ownership that drove collaboration and innovation.


“A plan is worthless. Planning is everything.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Applied Services

Brand and Digital Strategy + Consultancy

Market Entry Consultancy

Development Guidance

Product Design


Information Design


Dreaming big is easy—but identifying constraints, defining requirements, and planning milestones pave the road to realization. 

Guided by our framework, we began with a series of brand workshops with the client to clarify what PandoVita stands for, its purpose, and its mission. Our process helped to separate the objective from the subjective, allowing us to define a brand with which audiences might actually trust their personal legacies. These definitions formed the immutable foundation of a brand and product intended to bring permanence and relevance to the story of a life.


Rather than assume (or worse, guess) which audience would be our initial target market, we fielded a quantitative research study (N = 500) to learn about what might motivate (or demotivate) certain groups from being PandoVita users. 

Research showed that it wasn’t age or location that were our strongest links to early adopters. Instead, we identified user personas that had specific, individual personality traits as most likely to engage in our technology at key moments throughout their lives.


Following our brand workshops, the task of defining how to capture and communicate one’s legacy, digitally and privately, began. Diving deep into our own families meant learning how we tell the stories of our own lives. How do we truly learn about another person’s life? What are the seemingly stochastic stories that, string together, create a rich narrative? What are the elements of a life that might be communicated: stories, relationships, important dates, artifacts?


PandoVita’s new visual identity had to allude to the uniqueness and complexity of anyone’s legacy. It also needed to work in large and small applications and stand apart from the fields of social media and pop genealogy. It needed to feel as fresh as its intent.  

Applied Services


Visual Identity


To share the story of one’s life is an exercise unique to each teller and to each listener. We designed an experience and interface that was flexible, allowing the most common pathways and journeys to reveal themselves through early user testing.

Our product design consultancy surfaced the need to design modularly, and to enable operating system level interactivity. Capturing our stories often requires photos and videos; having access to a user’s iOS camera roll is critical. Maintaining clear permissioning to maintain a user’s privacy—a core brand tenant—is also critical.

A highly user-curated sharing feature set adds both richness through listener comments and the ability to privately share a legacy, from one person to a small group, or to remain entirely private to the storyteller.

Applied Services

Product Design + Consultancy

Platform Consultancy

Development Roadmapping + Advisory


Information Design


We worked with PandoVita’s internal dev and product teams to create a roadmap that defined and planned the iterative inclusion of features –from early beta releases to full 1.x+ store releases.  

Whereas early versions had known, clear feature sets, future releases required a plan for agile development that would be capable of responding to user feedback. New features became more nebulous as we looked further ahead. As our major work with PandoVita wound down, we focused our attention here, consulting key leadership on how to qualify and track toward certain features, and to move away from others. 

Despite challenges brought on by the global pandemic, PandoVita is in early-stage deployment via Apple’s iOS. 

Additional credit: Armchair, Mark Ramel, and Donovan/Green for work shown in this case study.