Can a compassionate recruitment and retention plan measurably improve the outcomes of a global phase 3 clinical trial?

We created a program based on the power of education and human connection, moving a community toward a successful treatment for a widespread, degenerative disease.



Branding + Brand Management

Engagement System Design

Digital Experience Design

Information Design

Intercept is a biotech leader focused on the treatment of progressive non-viral liver diseases. They are on the front lines of finding a non-invasive treatme­nt for NASH, a serious disease that today has no solution other than surgery. For one particular drug-based treatment, the possibilities it offered were great, but hurdles facing its Phase 3 trial were high. Very few had entered this space, with many patients and doctors feeling that other co-morbidities were more urgent or important, and the trial was to last seven years. On top of all that, a global pandemic brought about complexities that no one could have predicted.

This trial called on us to build a brand that would bring awareness to the study and the condition. It also required us to design and deploy a novel approach to recruitment and retention that would drive meaningful ongoing patient engagement.


Our work began with designing a visual identity for the clinical trial. By building upon the existing corporate palette and typeface, we created a look that was clearly part of the Intercept family but also stood out on its own thanks to the addition of bold, digital-friendly colors. Most importantly, the trial branding brought awareness and legitimacy to the NASH disease.

Applied Services

Brand Strategy

Brand Design

Visual Identitiy


Our branding came to life via the design of the trial recruitment program and materials. We created several pieces to educate potential participants on the severity of the condition and the importance of the trial. User-friendly and graphically driven, each helped to simplify a complex disease and reiterate the value of completing a lengthy trial.

Applied Services

Brand Extention

Engagement Campaign Design


Information Design


Web Design + Development


Maintaining participants through such a long trial required developing a retention plan. Our strategy was based on empathy and compassion. Each component of the program relied on the importance of understanding people and reinforcing the powerful effects of education and human connection on successful medical interventions. We also encouraged collaboration across parties—the sponsor, the CRO, other vendors, study sites, and participants.

Our plan included high-touch, human-focused tactics and materials to inform sites and empower participants, while easing the load on sites.

Applied Services

Brand Extention

Engagement Campaign Design


Information Design

Product Design

Development and Design Planning



We utilized innovative technology solutions to deliver bespoke content directly to patients—on-site via an app installed on a hand-held tablet and at home via an online portal. Informative and motivational content of this depth and clarity is often not part of a study plan. By putting this Content Companion directly into the hands of patients, materials that are approachable and understandable became available at times when clinicians were not. The technology itself allowed for easy content updating, managing languages and permissions of global site approvals, and capturing engagement analytics to inform future work.


To kick-off the retention program, we hosted a global webinar with the core retention team and 200+ study clinicians to educate them on the many materials soon to arrive at their sites designed to help them with patient engagement, including the tablet and app. We also streamlined an existing bi-monthly newsletter for study sites. By designing and writing the content, we delivered critical information that was easy to read and understand.


A seven-year-long trial. Daily doses of the study drug. Clinic visits once or twice a year… It’s a lot. A lot to remember, and a lot to keep motivated to do. Our patient engagement materials were designed to help patients remember the details of the trial and reinforce the desire to stay the course. We produced videos to explain what would happen at any given clinic visit. We created documents to show what would happen at the next visit. We even published a digital magazine filled with medical information, lifestyle tips, and recipes. Patients also received a special band for their study drug bottles to help remember daily doses. Most importantly, we created a series of materials that allowed the sponsor to express thanks and gratitude to study subjects through videos and letters.


A major tenant of the retention program was to keep the trial sponsor informed and agile. Metrics were gained via team engagements and the content companion app, and analysis of the data during regular team meetings allowed for ongoing directional refinements. The CRO and other vendors were also kept informed, encouraging information sharing and support.


It takes an enormous amount of effort to get a drug approved in any clinical trial, more so for a company pioneering in a space that is unchartered and ever-changing. This years-long engagement required extensive strategic planning upfront, significant creation across digital and traditional mediums, iteration, and diligent program management throughout. The trial continues, and we wait eagerly for the science to conclude successfully.

Additional credit: Donovan/Green for work shown in this case study.