Can consumer privacy and targeted digital advertising coexist—and be monetized?

Achieving brand and product market readiness began with a dream and a dream team.



Business Strategy


Digital Experience Design

Product Design

When BritePool—a startup led by marketing and AdTech legends—came to us in 2019, they had a great concept, a name, and impressive market research. The idea was to offer unique, transactional digital IDs to users outside of the Facebook - Google - Amazon juggernaut, overcoming the burdens of obtuse privacy legislation (CCPA, GDPR, et. Al.) while keeping the open web monetized.

What they didn’t yet have was a brand or a product with a defined set of features and functions.

Early on, we adopted a founder framework in our consultancy. As the brand and product were in concept phases when we joined the team, we had to balance stakeholder expectations and biases while evaluating and designing toward viability and feasibility.

Together, we worked through the complexities of serving B2B (publishers and advertisers) and B2C (the average internet user) audiences, designed a visual identity and established a brand voice, defined v01 functionality, and created both brochureware and logged-in web instances for consumer audiences to join and manage their own BritePool accounts and rewards.


Our team synthesized market research and ever-evolving business plans, providing guideposts for customer acquisition and conducting a thorough identity exercise. The brand took shape, projecting legitimacy to advertisers and publishers, while also feeling friendly and inviting to average internet users.

Simplicity—rather than unnecessary complication of an already complex ecosystem—shaped the brand’s voice. This voice drove our design of an approachable, digital-first palette and visual identity.

Applied Services

Brand Strategy

Content Strategy

Customer Acquisition Strategy

Brand Design



While our client had significant relationships with potential B2B customers, consumers were just as critical to success and less easily acquired. A low-friction process, from awareness to education to sign-up, was needed. We designed an engagement program that included ad units to drive users to CRM-enabled landing pages from ads placed across the open web.

Applied Services

Brand Extention

Engagement Campaign Design



Information Design


Our years-long experience in AdTech made us uniquely capable of understanding the framework of possibility for the platform. Working directly with key stakeholders and the engineering team, we established both v1.0 functionality and concepted feature sets through v2.0+. Product roadmapping and technical requirements were weighed against market research and UX best practices, defining a product that would be optimized for user adoption—at scale—on day one.

Applied Services

Product Design

Technical Consultancy

Development and Design Planning


Information Design


BritepPool very recently completed a merger with BigToken, proving that the brand’s ability to provide value to advertisers while simultaneously acquiring consumer users was helping to define the art of identity verification in the new digital ecosystem.

Additional credit: Armchair, Mark Ramel, and Donovan/Green for work shown in this case study.