
The Influential Impact of Branding a Clinical Trial

Branding’s holistic nature supports the system of influence needed for engagement and retention.


In clinical trials, and despite the efforts of Contract Research Organizations (CROs) and promises of cutting-edge tech, Healthcare Providers (HCPs, i.e., physicians, trial investigators and trial site providers) have the greatest influence on patient recruitment, patient retention, and patient engagement. Doctors are often early to know of a study and refer patients to it. Referral leads to recruitment, where Investigators and Site Providers become patients’ best—and possibly only apparent—ally. Understanding and optimizing this system of influence is the best way to effectively recruit, engage, and retain trial participants.

Branding = Impactful Communications

Thoughtfully and thoroughly branding a clinical trial, particularly when done early and maintained throughout the trial, is the best way to optimize this system of influence. Brand will result in a distinguishable and relatable clinical trial identity, a consistent voice, and clearer communications for all involved. A well-branded trial provides the sponsor with certainty and the confidence to produce more impactful and less burdensome communications. Materials that are of consistent quality, easy to access, and understandable yields informed, well supported and engaged staff. Sites, investigators, study coordinators and other support staff are enabled and empowered to communicate clearly, accurately and compassionately to patients in the study.

Under-supported site staff under-support their patients
Building a Stronger CRO Bridge

CROs are a key bridge between sponsors and trial investigators, site staff, and administrators – they must be well-informed and positively engaged. However they are unfortunately and all too often disintegrated, overburdened, and under-informed.

A well established brand, built with purpose by the sponsor, empowers the sponsor to involve CROs early and in precisely the ways envisioned by the brand. This unburdens the CRO from having to build motivation and communication from scratch. The effect? The important job of how to manage a trial toward success - as the sponsor sees it - becomes clear to the CRO and other supporting staff. Information and inclusivity give CROs the agency to take action with mission-driven purpose.

Improving Sponsor-to-Patient Dialogue.

Sponsors are able to communicate to patients via one-way channels, typically: apps, videos, and written material. Each medium may be effective. When brand drives these channels and the content they contain, such tactics and integrations uphold and communicate the values and requirements of the brand. They will be designed, built, deployed, and utilized at the level of quality set by the brand to activate and engage all within the continuum.

Brand weaves this complex communication system together harmoniously. It allows an idea, a practice, and a level of quality to grow organically within the confines of a defined, controllable system. When prioritized by the sponsor, brand can also trade on the sponsor’s brand name, providing merit to a study’s integrity.

Without brand, entropy.

In order to effectively reach, engage, and retain patients within a clinical trial, a system of communication must be designed within the trial. Sponsors must communicate effectively and efficiently with CROs. CROs must support, engage, and activate HCPs and Investigators. And HCPs, Investigators, and site staff must empower, engage, and support patients.

Brand is the force that keeps communication entropy from ever taking hold, leading to the effective recruitment, engagement, and retention of trial participants.


Heather Furman
11 November, 2022